Our lovely tradition of incorporating parishioner-donated poinsettias always helps to create an especially beautiful and meaningful environment in which to celebrate Our Lord’s birth. So we are again inviting all parishioners to join in adorning our worship space for Christmas with your personally donated and possibly dedicated poinsettias. Labels will be available for your use at the donation site. Or if you prefer, labels may be created at home before bringing your plant to the church. Please just be sure to confine it to a size that will fit on the pot cover. In order to maintain a somewhat coordinated look in the church, we ask that the poinsettias be of the traditional red color and a 6” pot size, which are widely available at grocery stores and the like. We will only begin accepting poinsettia donations on Friday, December 20 from 9 am to 5 pm, asking that they be brought the tables that will be set up on the hall stage. They may continue to be brought throughout the following days, ending on December 24 no later than 12 pm. We thank you very much in advance for your continuing generosity and cooperation, along with our best wishes for a very blessed Christmas. For questions contact Terry Groel at (805) 495-7419.