Recycling for the Homeless

  • Drive-Thru Collection

    Recycling and Food Collections on the third Saturday of every month from 9am-10am.

    You are invited to drive through St. Jude’s parking lot as many third Saturdays of every month as you can to drop off a bag(s) of food AND your aluminum cans and plastic drink bottles with a CRV separated into bags for recycling. If possible, crushing the bottles and cans ahead of time is very helpful. (NO GLASS It can be redeemed on Moorpark & Janss roads near Carl’s Jr.)

    Recycling - Just as Jesus multiplied the 5 loaves and 2 fishes to feed 5000, help our Loaves and Fishes Recycling team to multiply plastic CRV bottles and cans into projects that benefit our local homeless population.  Bring your recyclables to our 3rd Saturday, of the month drive-through at St. Jude's!  Volunteers and drivers are always needed. Contact Greg Stelmar (805)279-5432.

    Questions?  Want to donate but are unable to drop off? Want to volunteer in the parking lot? Have a truck for delivery? Please contact Greg Stelmar (805)279-5432. Not getting out to shop?  A check to Loaves and Fishes Ministry is welcomed and can be dropped off in line or mailed to the church. To donate online, click on the donate button below. For additional information contact Greg Stelmar (805)279-5432.

    A Loaves and Fishes Ministry - We Serve to Share God's Love
    “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink”  Matthew 25:35

  • Food & Recycling Collection Results

    December 2024
    165 bags of food
    $690 cash for food 
    $598.65 recycling redemption

    2023 Summary
    276 volunteers
    504 cars
    1651 bags of food
    $11760.00 contribution for food
    $4024.80 recycle redemption
    1801.7 lbs of plastic redeemed
    806.1 lbs. of aluminum redeemed